My dad has a Wikipedia entry

I just think of my dad as my dad, so it was odd for me to discover he has his own Wikipedia reference.  This discovery led me to Google him to see where else he appears on the world wide web… I found that he has a wicked first place ranking for his website (nice SEO, dad!).  Elaine’s blog gets a second place ranking– pretty impressive for a post she made in 2005. From there the entries feature a variety of “Bill Blooms” from across the country. One of the more amusing finds is a quotation from dad in an Intelligencer article about the a protest in support of Siren Records in Doylestown: “The kids in Doylestown don’t get a fair shake,” Bloom said. “The borough’s attitude is kind of repressive.” He’s such a hippie, err, I mean so progressive.  Anyway, my favorite Google reference of dad links to video from the 2004 BMI awards where he’s rockin’ his gangsta sun glasses. That’s how he rolls…